Finding the Right Heroin Detox Center in Florida
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that in 2016, approximately 948,000 Americans claimed to have used heroin. With opioid use on the rise, more people than ever require a heroin detox center Jacksonville FL. What are some signs of addiction? Here’s how to know if it is time to visit a heroin addiction treatment center Jacksonville FL.
Signs of a Heroin Addiction
Long before visiting a Florida heroin detox center, users will often display some common signs of addiction. For example, they may hoard syringes, spoons, or rubber tubing to help them inject drugs. Someone who is selling heroin may also carry an unusual amount of plastic baggies and a scale.
Those under the influence of heroin often feel euphoric as the drug takes effect. At the same time, they may have dilated pupils, flushed skin, and shallow breathing. As the drug wears off, an individual may fall asleep suddenly, suffer confusion, or be disoriented.
Regular heroin use can lead to chronic constipation and nausea. Accordingly, if a loved one is using laxatives or digestion medications more frequently, it may be time to consider a heroin detox center Jacksonville FL.
The Importance of Detox
Many who have attempted to quit heroin can attest to how difficult it is. The physical withdrawal symptoms can be excruciatingly painful. Few people can withstand the discomfort, leaving them anxious to use again to obtain relief.
Some withdrawal symptoms are also life-threatening. For this reason, you should never attempt to detox on your own. On the other hand, the right medical supervision can allow you to detoxify safely and better manage your side effects.
A lack of support makes it more likely that a person will relapse. So even if you were to successfully self-detox, odds are you will begin using again unless you get help. That is especially true if you have other friends or family members who also use heroin.
What can I Expect from Detox?
First, our addiction specialists will assess your physical and mental health needs to come up with a custom treatment plan. The first step in this process involves detox. Supervised by licensed health professionals, medical detoxification allows you to rid yourself of heroin and/or other illicit substances as comfortably as possible. At the same time, you can keep your side effects and cravings to a minimum.
No set timeframe exists for detoxification. Each person responds to treatment differently, and we do not attempt to rush the process. To ensure success, we want you fully detoxed and ready to take on the next phase of your treatment. Most people can accomplish this in around a week to ten days, although some cases can and do take longer.
Beaches Recovery Treatment Programs
Here at Beaches Recovery, we are more than just a heroin detox center Jacksonville FL. We are a full-service rehab facility designed to help you completely overcome your addiction. As such, we offer several programs to help you achieve that goal, including:
• Anger Management Therapy
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Florida Dialectical Behavior Therapy
• Group Therapy
• Individual Therapy
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment
• Trauma Therapy
A stay at our rehab facility allows you to escape the everyday pressures of life so you can better focus on treatment. Surrounded by our caring staff, you’ll find it easier to get clean and achieve your goals. We provide you with every tool you need to get and stay sober for life. If you have unsuccessfully tried to quit on your own, we invite you to contact our Florida heroin detox center at once.
Seek Assistance from our Heroin Detox Center Jacksonville FL
Do you or a loved one suffer from heroin addiction? If so, make visiting a heroin rehab center Jacksonville FL one of your biggest priorities. Here at Beaches Recovery, we can help you beat your opioid dependency once and for all. Please contact us today at to take the next step.